Welcome to The Advisory Group

hospital stockThe Advisory Group provides real estate valuations, fair market rental rate analyses and market feasibility studies of medical properties exclusively for the healthcare industry.

Why Choose Us

All medical real estate valuations are performed by Ron Young who has the Counselor of Real Estate designation along with three decades of medical valuation experience. For years healthcare industry has relied on Ron’s expertise to determine the value of a particular medical property in terms of sale, lease or future revenue. Armed with his detailed reports supported by empirical data healthcare executives have been able to formulate and execute strategic plans regarding their real estate portfolios.

Areas of Expertise

Acquisition Valuations
Disposition Valuations
Rental Rate Valuations
Transaction Term Analyses
Market Feasibility Studies
Session Lease Valuations

Medical Property Types

Medical Office Buildings
Acute Care Hospitals
Diagnostic Centers
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Skilled Nursing Facilities
In-patient Hospice Facilities
Rehabilitative Facilities

Our Clients Include

University Medical Centers
Multi-State Health Systems
For Profit Healthcare Providers
Non-Profit Hospitals
Rural Hospitals
Physicians Groups